Tuesday 28 February 2012

PE OCR AO5 Athletics Based Sport Shot Put

Shot Put

Distance (m)

These results show that I have improved the overall distance of the throw and is better than when I first started
Technique: I have improved  my technique by looking on the interent and frinding professional and copying how they do it.
Distance: I practiced using the right technique and managed to improve the accuracy as well
Stamina: Practicing has allowed me to improve my stamina as it has allowed me to throw for longer periods of time yet still throw a long way and throw accurately
These have all affected my throwing as it has allowed me to throw further, more accuracy and overall improve
The snow has affected me as it has not allowed me to practice but I was still able to compare myself to professionals  

PE OCR AO5 Games Based Sport Rugby Union

Agility: I have improved my agility by regularly attending training and performing different drills at training. I also attended a 2 day rugby course where we had drills where we had to dodge the tackle back by stepping or hitting and spinning to get around it.     Strength: I have improved my strength by practicing rucking and scrimmaging, during this time I also learnt the way to use my strength to its maximum effect.
Stamina/Speed/Accuracy: I have improved my stamina/speed in rugby by working on running but also doing drills where I sprint through a line of cones catching and passing the ball quickly.
Passing: I have improved my passing by completing regular drills like the one above
Tackling: I have improved on my tackling because we regularly tackle tackle bags so that we improve
These have all affected my performance in games as it has allowed me to use these skills more efectively and therefore improve my overall  performance.
I have not made as much progress in the past few weks due to the snow and ice therefore my coach has been cancelling my training sessions.