Monday 5 December 2011

AO2 Gymnastics Based Sport The Vault

Gymnastics Based Sport- The Vault


Getting over the horse cleanly

Making sure you jump at the right time

Leaping so you can spring off into a somersault


As you run up you want to be springing up in the air with each step, the spring onto the vault requires concentration; you should try to make sure that you don’t dive too much towards the ground as you may hit your face on the vault, when bouncing off the vault you should try and extend your arms just as your hands touch the horse and when you are about to land keep your body straight and then bend your legs to cushion your landing


Stay calm: Do not panic

Flips: Only attempt a flip that you have practiced and can manage to do otherwise you could get a bad score

Keep a good technique: You are judged on this


Overall when performing in the Vault event try to keep a good technique and do a good/well performed flip that you have practiced along with a good landing

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