Monday 5 December 2011

AO2 Athletics Based sport- Shot Put

Athletics based sport- Shot Putt


In shot putt you need many skills including being able to throw a shot a long distance, transferring the strength from your legs to your arms effectively and balance.

Throwing the shot

To throw the shot you need to be in the right position at each stage of your throw

Transferring the weight from your legs to your arms needs the right amount of balance and concentration to get it right.

To balance you need concentration and minimal amount of distraction and 100% determination


To throw the shot putt well you must use the right technique, it is easier when you break it down into stages

Stage 1. You must have your weight on the same leg that is the side you throw with and have your leg stretched out with the shot held tightly up by your neck

Stage 2. You must now bend your right leg and then get down into a crouching position with one leg still off the floor and the shot still held tightly at your neck

Stage 3. You should now start to spring upwards by straightening your right leg and lunge your left leg into the toe board and straightening your body with the shot still held at your neck

Stage 4. Now throw your right arm up in the air and release the shot  with a flick of the wrist


Put chalk on your hands: Shot put athletes put chalk on their hands to grip the shot better

Stay calm: Do not panic and get a good technique

Pretend: Try to pretend that you are on your own


To try and throw the shot as far as you can without performing and illegal throw and using good technique

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